
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Plants vs Zombies

 About three weeks ago when we got back from our trip to Jekyll Island, you  may recall that our router/modem thingy was fried. That meant no tv, no internet, and no phone service. I couldn't play my favorite Blitz games - Bejeweled and Bingo.

During this time, I could have finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird, but I didn't. Instead I decided to save the world from the zombies. I discovered the successful Pop Cap game of Plants vs Zombies on my smart phone.

Plants vs Zombies is a tower defense game. I had never heard of that term before. So I went looked online and found this:

From Wikipedia
The goal of tower defense games is to try to stop enemies from crossing a map by building towers which shoot at them as they pass.

In Plants vs Zombies, you are protecting your house by planting different types of plants. There are lots of different plant varieties and they all have special zombie fighting powers.

I like to arrange my rows of plants in a particular order. It's kind of calming in a strange way. This image below I found online. It does not calm me. I want to dig up the plants and change their placement!

If  you are not successful in keeping the zombies at bay, then you get this message:

I have had my brains eaten by the zombies on a few occasions. It's not a pretty sight.

Plants vs Zombies is a totally addictive game. It has had the "Tetris" effect on me. (click on Tetris effect to read more about it on Wikipedia). The Tetris effect is when you play Tetris for long periods of time, then when you are doing other things you are trying to arrange the tetris shapes in your head. (I can't believe there was a wikipedia page for the tetris effect - I thought it was a term I had made up myself!) So anyway, I have been trying to arrange plants in my head when I am trying to go to sleep. It doesn't help! In fact it has the opposite result.

I have completed the whole game twice now and I am about half way through my third time. I wonder if Pop Cap has targeted 43 year old moms with their games? They make Bejeweled Blitz, too, and I have logged in a lot of time playing that as well.

You all should be able to rest at night knowing that I am saving the world from zombies, one house at a time.

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