
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Chores for the Kids

This morning I called the kids up to discuss a few things that I wanted them to accomplish today. Before I even started talking, Hannah asked if I could do the "Chore Drawing" that I do every now and then. I hadn' even mentioned the word "chore" yet! So I decided that if she was so excited to do this, maybe I should share this on my blog. After all, we haven't had a whole lot of blog worthy moments lately!

So here's what I do. I wrote several real chores and some fun chores (okay, they're not really chores, just fun things) on some slips of paper. I fold them up and put them in bowls. Then the kids draw a slip of paper and do what it says.

I divided up the chores into 3 bowls. One was for Hannah, one was for James, and one was for Both.

The kids would draw one slip from their bowl and complete the task. When they finished that one, then they had to draw one from the "Both" bowl and complete that. The both bowl just means that either of them can do the chore whereas the other ones are kid specific. Then pick another from their bowl and so on.

Examples of some of the chores from the Hannah and James bowls:

-bring dirty clothes downstairs
-pick up any of your belongings that are on the main floor of the house
-spend 15 minutes sorting through box of toys from the toy room
-read 2 chapters of a book
-play computer games for 15 minutes
-jump on the trampoline for 10 minutes
-get dressed for the day
-work on your GS badge/BS badge for 15 minutes

Some of the chores from the "Both" bowl:

-unload the top rack of the dishwasher
-take the dog on a 10 minute walk
-play with the kittens for 10 minutes
-restock toilet paper in all bathrooms
-clean upstairs bathroom
-wipe front of refrigerator
-brush dog
-put clean towels away

The whole thing took a couple of hours. When all the chores were done, Hannah said she had wished there were more cleaning chores. There have been times when I have had chores such as "clean the baseboards in the living room". They enjoy have the mix of work and fun.

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