
Thursday, May 24, 2012

5th Grade Awards Day & 5th Grade Walk

Today was Hannah's last day of 5th grade. We went up to the school for the awards day and the 5th grade walk.

Here's Hannah with two of her friends before the awards ceremony started.

 Here's Hannah with her President's Award for Educational Excellence.

Hannah holding her class award for "most creative".

She also received an award for perfect attendance. 

Then after the awards ceremony came the 5th grade walk. The 5th graders walked down all the halls to say goodbye to the former teachers. Hannah had a dozen roses to hand out to her old teachers as she saw them.

Hannah with her kindergarten parapro, Mrs. Waymon.

Her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hooks.

1st grade teacher, Mrs. Alred

2nd grade teacher, Ms. Hahn

3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Ribeiro

4th grade teacher, Mrs. Gilbert
5th grade teacher, Mrs. Collins

Art teacher, Mrs. Glover
5th Grade Science teacher, Ms. Brazell

 Target teacher, Mrs. Hamilton and Speech teacher, Mrs. Gordon

The walk was pretty emotional. I teared up quite a bit and Hannah was bawling after a while. It's hard to believe that we are finished with elementary school. As of this afternoon, we have a middle schooler and a high schooler. To be honest, I'm really not old enough to have kids that old! :)

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