
Saturday, April 16, 2011

What am I reading?

I enjoy reading. I started out as a reader during my youth, but when I was in college, I got away from it. I felt that if I had time to read, I should be reading school work. In my late twenties I started reading for pleasure again. During my 30's, I was a mom. I started reading magazines because they were short and easy to finish.

I was a big fan of People magazine and subscribed to it for years. I also read Parenting magazines and assorted women's magazines, such as Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and Family Circle.

When my second child was about a year old, I joined a book club through the MOMS Club that I belonged to. In book club, we read and discussed one book each month. That was a nice way to get back in to reading.

One day my kids were much older and didn't require my attention 100% of the time. I could actually get some reading done. I remember the first time I felt that I could actually read at the pool! Our neighborhood pool has life guards on duty, but when they were younger, I still felt the need to keep an eye on them. For the last year or two, I have been able to actually read at the pool!

My husband gave me a Kindle this past Christmas. I LOVE it! A month later he made the comment that out of all the gifts he's given me over the years, I have gotten the most use of this one.

I still buy paperback books. I have stacks of books along the wall in my bedroom waiting to be read. I have hundreds of books on my Kindle waiting to be read. I use Shelfari to help keep track of the books I have read and the books I want to read. According to Shelfari, I have read 84 books this year so far. I credit some of that to being unemployed. Last year I worked part-time for half of the year and I was able to read 113 books for the year.

So what am I reading right now? I just finshed The Girl Who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson. It is the second in his Millennium trilogy. It was definitely easier to get into this one, compared to his first one, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Another "can't put it down" book. My only complaint about the book, actually both of them, is that with all the Swedish names (many of them ones I can't pronounce) I get some of the characters mixed up. Several of the foreign names have similar spellings or at least start off the same. Since I've read both of them on the Kindle, it's not easy to flip back to previous chapters to confirm who a character is. The book ended without any resolution, so I am anxious to start the next and final book in the trilogy.

Enough blogging for now...... there are more books on my kindle waiting to be read.

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